There are times when your name is mentioned in media that sets you up for a primetime television interview. In a previous blog I had some examples about the effects of livestreaming. This blog is about television interviews during primetime.
For the past few years I have composed the theme for Africa Film Trinidad and Tobago.

Here is theme music I did for AFTT 2023. This music was really fun to compose.
Mentioned in the media
After consistently being the Composer of the theme music for this Film Festival I asked if I can host a workshop during its 2023 run.
My name was mentioned in an interview of Asha Lovelace, the Festival’s Founder and Director, as a featured presenter at the 2023 AfricaFilmTT on national television.
I soon became an interviewee for the television programme, ‘In Depth with Dike Rostant‘ which was broadcast during primetime on Trinidad and Tobago Television (TTT).
In the media post he said “Navid Lancaster joins me for a conversation this evening. Tune in and expand your consciousness via tttliveonline.”

For the media post of my workshop AFTT wrote.
“There’s much to understand about the dynamics of the Director/Composer relationship! If you’re a Director or Composer, or interested in the field this is the workshop for you! Gain industry tips from award-winning composer Navid Lancaster on how to maneuver the industry, how to go through the process of scoring to picture, how to handle rejection and much more!”
Primetime Television Interview
This interview was very entertaining and enjoyable. I have been interviewed numerous times throughout my career but his questions were different to the ones I was used to. This was great because I was able to give fresher perspectives on various aspects of my career so far. Here is the full broadcast interview. Enjoy!!
Here is the end result. This picture is from my workshop at AFTT 2023. My workshop was to run for an hour and 20 minutes but it eventually ran for 2 hours! There were many questions from Students, Composers, Directors and others in the Film Industry. I had a great time doing it.