Livestreaming is a great way to broadcast your ideas, knowledge and talent to a worldwide audience. This is especially true for someone living in the Caribbean or more specifically, Trinidad and Tobago. It is a way for a practitioner to be seen as an expert their field.
Broadcast Your Ideas
Earlier this year (January 7, 2023) I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Kevin Jackson, a Jamaican Animator, Lecturer and owner of Nivekfilms.
This is the one and a half hour discussion with Kevin Jackson via Instagram Live. We discussed Animation, Film, Music, Building business relationships and much more.
To A Worldwide Audience
First things first. Watch this trailer and enjoy the music.
That was my music rescore for the ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ Trailer. I decided not to use typical orchestration but to use a musical aspect of my culture, The Rhythm (Riddem) Section. In particular I used the sample library made locally by Indigisounds called the Laventille Rhyhtm Section. They are a cultural staple and you can see them in action with the video below. You can also see some of their history here.
I was really happy how the final mix of my music in the trailer rescore turned out and so did the Founder of The Cue Tube, Bryan Waters.

The video below, livestreamed on January 15, 2023. The ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ Trailer livestream hosted by The Cue Tube was AWESOME! Four Film Composers composed their ideas for the trailer. I have appeared in two previous livestreams from The Cue Tube. Here is Part 1 and Part 2.
Thanks to everyone around the world who viewed and commented during the livestream. Trinidad and Tobago to the world! Enjoy!!